Plenary session
JUNE 19, 2018
MODERATOR Michael Karmis – Stonie Barker Professor, Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering & Virginia Tech, USA
- 1) Zhenis Kassymbek – Minister of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2) Michael Hitch – Professor of the University of New South Wales, Australia
«Reconnecting Society with Raw Materials: A New Social Acceptance» - 3) Eldar Mamedov – Chief Executive Officer, KAZ Minerals Management
«Delivering the future» - 4) Igor Finogenov – President JSC Polymetal UK
« Hub Operations: processing strategy for the 21st century » - 5) James Matcher – James Matcher, Partner, Advisory Services, EY South Africa
Global Overview «Digitalization in mining» - 6) Hua Guo – Research Director, CSIRO Energy, Australia, Chairman of the WMC 2021
«Coal Mining Research for the Future» - 7) Julian Kettle – Vice Chairman and Senior Vice President of Metals & Mining Research, Wood Mackenzie Ltd
«The report for mining and metallurgical sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan» - 8) Nikolay Radostovets – Executive Director, Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises
«New challenges and opportunities for mining and metallurgy»